On the road again
On the road again


Veröffentlicht: 26.11.2018

25.11.2018 6days at buffelsdrift
Free time

In the morning we had to save leah from yet another spider. With a broom and spray we managed to slowly push it outside the bathroom until it fell on the ground and the toilet was save again.

After that we went to the cango caves, though we had some problems with where the taxi expected us to be and where we actually were we still made it just in time for the tour.

We didnt do the normal walk around tour but the "adventure" tour through the caves.

So we split of from the other groups and with our guide and about 12 other people we went a seperat way through the caves.

First we climbed up a slippery ladder to where then our tour would start. We crawled carefully through the first section "the tunnel of love" which was probably because the walls literally tried to hug and hold you. Leah had barely a problem to go through, Larissa struggled a bit and I bumbed against all the rocks.

Next the devils chimney, which was a 4meter high very small gap in the rocks that went straight up. So we waited until one person after the other made their way through moaning and aching while our guide did her best to explain how to position your feet and hand.

Then it was my turn and indeed it was not the easiest gap to climb. You had to pull and push yourself up and keep on climbing to the top until you reached the light on the ceiling.

I took great photos of larissa trying to get through there after me.

Next was a very narrow horizontal gap between the rocks. First our guide went through so she could "catch us" on the other side. Then one after the other we went through.

You basically had to rub your way forward bit by bit until on the other side you came out hands first back into a big room.

After that we had completed the challenges and were able to circle back, once again through the tunnel of love and leave the cave.

It was a lot of fun and definetly worth the 40€ for 3 people we paid.

We had some lunch there aswell and then went back with the taxi.

Here we only took a short rest then we made our way to the lodge and the pool. We cooled off and stayed in the pool a bit then we layed in the sun.
We were there for a while until we started heading back to shower and eat.

The electricity wasnt working so I wanted to write Mariné if she knew something about it. Just one problem there was no wifi, the electricity wasnt working.

So we heated our dinner with the gas oven and played games using lights and torches.

When Leah came back to her tent there was yet another spider there. Not as big as the first 2 but this one was a camel spider that I remebered from namibia. They are supposed to have a very nasty bite. So we didnt try to get the spider out this time since it was in the middle of the room aswell, we decided to kill it. So we removed everything and blocked the spider in a corner.

Larissa gave me an Iron because they said using the broom might not work. I didnt agree but still I had to use the iron. So slowly I went up to the spider and in a very fast attack I splattered its fluids all over the tent and the iron.

After that we celebrated our victory with some more games we even tried the broken battleship game which was fun. I am winning a lot more here than against dennis.

Antworten (2)

Und wieder ein unbeschreiblich schöner Tag geht zu Ende!!! Hammer Bube !!! Genies alles als wäre es das letzte Mal das Du es so erleben kannst!!! Liebe Grüsse Mom and Dad (Love You!!!)

Hoi Nick, Weer een fantastische dag gehad, en op het laatst weer de held, door de spin te doden. Zijn die gevaarlijk?? Die grotten zijn in het echt geweldig, denk ik. Dikke kus Bompa en Oma.