
Miri an BKK

Veröffentlicht: 07.11.2018

When I mention that I write a blog, people usually tell me "I did the same, but stop it after two ore there months" and I thought "no, thats not going to happen to me". Now after two months I can feel them. Nevertheless I will try to refresh my blog two ore at least one time the month. 

When I wrote last time, I was in Miri (Borne). In Miri I met a guy who is rowing for the Malaysian national team. To stay fit he is going to the gym and to boxing class. The first days in Miri I was so annoyed by the horrible bad infrastructure, that I did nothing but going to the gym and the boxing class with Chaske. I finished the entire season three of Gotham on Netflix in this time. Then I talked to a guy from the States and we decided to rent a car, together with a girl from Denmark. We went to a cave and to a national park around Miri and then moved to Brunei. Never heard about Brunei ? me neither. Its a incredible small country with about 400k inhabitants. It owes a lot of oil and is one of there richest countries in the world. In two days you can see almost anything. From Brunei I moved back to Miri to catch my flight to Bangkok. 

Three years ago I spend two days in BKK and I hated it. Its loud , fast and dirty. So this time I wasn´t quite happy that I have to spend here almost a month. I was wrong though. When you are open for it, there a plenty of things to do and see in BKK. Especially after the sleepy Borneo its a pleasure to be in BKK. The temples in Bangkok are by far the most beautiful ones I have seen so far. There are neon night markets, airplane graveyards, abandoned buildings and cats on every corner. The only downside, Bangkok is really hot and sweating after a tattoo season is quite uncomfortable. 
