
See ya, Rosewood!

Veröffentlicht: 25.10.2016

"Just go. Go to see all the beauty in the world and come back with a suitcase full of wonderful memories!"

After nearly 3 months Emma and I have to say goodbye to Rosewood. It was definitely an interesting and exiting but also hard time. I learned a lot, not just about cattle, but also about people and myself.

I am glad and proud of myself at the same time that I stayed and didn't leave after the first couple of weeks. The saying: “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!“ is definitely true and fits perfectly to my situation on Rosewood.

It was not always easy but I had a lot of fun, too. Especially during the stock camps!

We camped three times for a couple of days each at different yards on Rosewood. That means sleeping in a swag underneath the sky (which is amazing btw, I couldn't get enough of it) and draft cattle during the day. No reception, no proper toilet and a cement mixer as a washing machine…but it was so cool…that was the real outback adventure!

I learned how to brand calfs, cut the balls of the mickeys, dehorn and all that stuff.Surprisingly I didn't enjoy mustering at all…I don't know why but I really didn't like it. I had to deal with the calfs on the tail every time, which is very annoying…I chased fucks me how many and carried one twice on my horse the whole way…

My worst day ever was at Faradays. We waited forever for the cattle and had to walk them a long way back to the yards. It took us 6 hours in total, I had no water and it was the hottest day of the week. I would've drunk everything, literately everything!

Anyhow I learned to esteem water and how badly the body needs it. I’ve never been as thirsty in my life as I was at Rosewood sometimes.

And I’ve probably never been as stupid as I was at Rosewood sometimes either haha..I don't know why but funny stupid things kept happening to me nearly every day.

But at least I made people laugh all the time.

I was pretty good in getting hurt as well. It didn't matter what, getting kicked by calfs, getting lifted by cows in the yards, squeezed fingers and a thorn in my knee, I had everything. Not to forget hundreds of scratches on my arms because of the barbwire..

At home I would've probably complained but here it’s different. Just the knee hurt very badly..the rest was not more than a couple of bruises and scars.

I finally got more confident with my english, too. It’s not perfect yet, but I’m getting somewhere!

Thanks especially Liam who made it kind of a challenge for me to understand him…:D I was so happy when I finally got some of your jokes, although I wished I wouldn't have sometimes haha!

On our last weekend off Liam, Branden, Emma and me went swimming in the swimming hole…it was kind of creepy because it was impossible to see anything in that water. And the fact that freshies live in there didn't make it any better haha. But a bit of rum made me brave enough and it was really nice. The whole night was probably my favorite one although it ended with me falling asleep somewhere again like every time haha..

Driving a truck and a tractor can be ticked off of my to do list now, too.

I’ve done so many things in these 3 months, thats unbelievable and I never thought I would be tough enough for even doing a killer…But I did all that shit and I’m happy!

Unfortunately everything has an end at some stage…but I’m also looking forward to do something else and see different parts of Australia..I especially can’t wait to escape  the heat!

The hardest thing about saying goodbye here is that it’s probably a goodbye forever…but although it’s hard to leave all those people I met behind, I would never like to miss even a minute of what i experienced!

I thank everybody so much who made my time unforgettable and even though our last days together weren't the best ones, I will always keep you in mind! You taught me a lot and I’m happy that I was able to spend this time with you!

I will especially miss Emma and our endless talks and sleepovers and laughs.

But without an end there is no new beginning so I am excited now about what's coming next!!
