
Slavery and Avocados

Veröffentlicht: 13.08.2019

Yeeees so the update on the avocados: They are freaking good. No comparison to what we got in Germany 🤣 and they are huge, really massive. I guess meat is becoming just an addition from now on. Today I bought two mangos and three avocados for less then 5€. And a watermelon which yet needs to be tasted. But let me start from the beginning: Yesterday evening.

You remember Clement, right? He is this guy:

And I met him at the beach again where he regularly trains a couple of street kids in rugby. In order to play there, they clean the beach first from plastic waste which is a very important thing here since it raises the awareness of plastic waste.

Here is a picture with his team:

They are all really fun guys. In order to continue removing plastic he has a GoFundMe campaign and asked me if I could share it, which I gladly do:

He and his team even has it's own website:

Check them out, they are awesome.

Clement and I strolled a bit through the city together, went to his place where I ate some great homemade food (chickensoup with riceballs, incredibly delicious even tho it was pretty spicy for my standards).

Here a picture of the sundown. Please note at this point that I never put any filter on my pictures (except the next one now 🙄). With filters it would look like this:
Anyway, sundown was awesome.
Here is a picture of of Etienne (not sure if I write the name write here) who is Clements highly energetic 5 years old nephew. He didnt get tired of playing, fighting and throwing stuff at each other until I left.

Today I visited the Elmina castle which is in the town Elmina. Big surprise here. In the same town was also Fort Coenraadsburg where I went afterwards.
The castle was originally build by the Portuguese, for gold and ivory trading then used for slavery shipping. It is the worlds biggest and oldest castle related to transatlantic slavery and was very impressive. The guide we had was also amazing - best tour guide I had here in Ghana so far!
This is the castle
The main, inner area. On busy times there have been over 1000 slaves at one time.
Name sais it all..
The "condemned cell" - slaves who tried to escape or revolt where left here to die. Without food or water.
2016 has been a memorial night in this cell. 30 people from all over the world slept here in linen cloth and chains. What's left from the event lies here, as a reminder. These rags and chains are NOT original.
A castle needs protection

I could see the Fort from the castle
(The big building on the green hill)
and decided to check that out aswell.
I was alone in the Fort, except the cashier who asked me if I wanted a tour. I agreed and regretted that decision afterwards because all he did was going literally 5 minutes around with me and telling me some dates of who went and came in this Fort which I already forgot again. Nothing special about the rooms we saw, their function, something about the Fort itself. The tour ended with him sending me up the highest tower and that was it. He didnt even show me the whole Fort (which really wasn't too big). Also even this building was highly polluted by plastic.
Anyway, here are some shots I took
You see the castle again

Long story short: 
Castle: YAY
Fort: nay

Afterwards I planned on making some selfmade Spätzle (german/austrian noodles) for Eric, Prescilla (pretty sure I got the name wrong here) which is his girlfriend to thank them for their great hospitality, buuuut I really struggled to find wheat flour (Weizenmehl). Really struggling means in this case walking through the main city, asking plenty people and eventually giving up.
Instead I got the avocados, mangos and the melon.. Will do some fried avocado rice with cheese (yes I DID find some cheddar here).
I couldn't resist to snack one of the avocados directly when I came home:
I realized afterwards that one whole 🥑 is a lot for just a snack 🤣

It seems like the avocados are perfect, when you feel the stone in the middle is already loose and bumping around but the outer part is not tooooo soft.

On my way through the city I found this professional photographer, who seems to make photos for american presidents:

That's it from me so far, thanks for reading I hope you guys are enjoying!

- Laurin


Reiseberichte Ghana