
First experience with Couchsurfing

Veröffentlicht: 06.09.2018

On Tuesday evening I met Syukri, he messeged me on Couchsurfing. Syukri grow up in Sumatra and moved to Bali in February. He studied German for two years and lived in Hanover for three months. He knows a lot about politics and history in Asia. After dinner, Syukri showed me around in Denpasar on his scooter and we had some really nice chats on his balcony afterwards. Currently he is working in a surf school as photographer and managing the social media for them. Syukri have an own Instagram account with 78,7 thousand followers, where he is posting pictures from Bali, you should check him out -> @sssukri. He invited me to spend a day at his work on Wednesday. I took a ride with Grab to his surf school and spendet the day on the beach with Syukri and some other surf students. On the way I made a stop at Deus Ex Machina, one of the world best known factory for custom motorbikes. In the evening Syukri asked me to join his Frisbee club and I have taken some photos for the website of the Frisbee club. I decided to book a bed in the surf school for two nights and try surfing for three days. 
