
Day 4 - Vanessa and the search for a pretty beach

Veröffentlicht: 16.08.2016

Originally my plan for today was to go to Salcombe. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to come to Salcombe from Torquay. So I decided not to go to Salcombe. So I had to find another plan for today. I thought about to take a boat trip and found a day cruise to Dartmouth, which sounded good. Yesterday I had seen, that this tour hadn't take place because of the wind. So I decided to find another beach and enjoy the sun. Who knows, how long I can do this in England. 😉 

Jamie & Jenn recommended the beach "Babbacombe". They wanted to go there at 12 or 1 pm and asked me to join them. I talked with Angela and she recommended the beach "Oddicombe", which is near "Babbacombe". These beaches are on the other side of Torquay. Angela also recommended the "Preston Beach" in Paignton, which is in the next town. I thought about it and decided to go to "Oddicombe" at first and then to "Babbacombe" to meet Jamie and Jenn. This was the plan. 😉

I visited both beaches by walking with flip-flops on a path which was going upstairs and downstairs and through the forest and nature. It was a very nice walk, for me no problem to do this with flip-flops 😉, but both beaches were not so pretty. The one, the Irish-Canadian couple recommended was very stony, nice to visit but not nice to stay there. The other one, Angela's recommendation was nicer but also not nice enoughto stay there the whole afternoon. So I stayed there only for a little while and then I went by bus to Paignton. 

Preston Beach was nicer than the other one's, but also not as pretty as I expected. For me this beach looked like the beach in Torquay. The only difference was that there were not so many people than at Torquay's beach yesterday. The beach was ok and I decided to stay there and enjoy the sun. I was lying there and reading till the tide came at the end of my towel. 😁 So it was better to leave. It wasn't so late und it still was very sunny, so I walked back to Torquay. By the way in advance I also thought about to walk to the beach and take the bus home. That was one of my good decisions today to catch the bus for the way to the beach and walk back. 

On my way back there was a crazy situation: I had a look to a small beach, when a man was running from the beach. He said that there is an emergency with a girl. I saw two girls at the stones trying to carry another girl. Then some others came to help. I had a look from the distance. I just thought about to help with my "Grey's Anatomy"-know how 😉 as one man came back and told me, that it seems that the girl is ok. I had a look and all three girls were walking there and left the beach as nothing had happened before. Very strange!

When I was back at the marina in Torquay, I relaxed at a park next to the beach. This was very pretty. On the way home I saw that the boat trip to Darthmouth hadn't take place today. So I hadn't missed anything. But when I bought some donuts I say a leaflet for other boat trips, who goes 5 times a day and sounds great. This trip had been gone along the English Riviera. Annoying that I haven't found the leaflet earlier. That's my life. 😂

After I had dinner I walked along for the last time. While I was walking a car drived next to me and someone who was sitting at the back throwed water on me. I heard them laughing when they were driving away. Unbelievable. The English guys... 😠😠😠

I think, today was not the best day of my journey. 😂😂😂

It's enough Torquay. It is good, that I will leave tomorrow. 😀😀😀 When I think about the days in Torquay, my expectations were higher. The landscape at the beaches were very pretty, but the beaches themselves were not so pretty. The town is pretty, especially the marina is lovely. I also expected more from the "nightlife" in Torquay. In the travel guide it was written , that there will be often live music in the pubs at the marina. I never heard live music there. Maybe it is only at the weekend. 

I'm happy, that I'm going to Cornwall, tomorrow. 😊😊😊

Top 3 of Torquay

1. the marina

2. the sunny weather

3. the evening in the pub with Jenn & Jamie

Flop 3 of Torquay

1. the guys who throwed water on me

2. the beaches

3. the wind was a bit cold, especially on my first day

P.S.: It seems that I won't have wifi at my B&B in Penzance. So it could take longer till I publish the next diary parts. 😉


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