
Das Schulfest

Veröffentlicht: 25.11.2018

The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gymnasium Schulfest was held on the 23th November. School finished at 12 and I stayed with my exhange Annika after school to help set up her stall/room.

Her room was a chemistry lab two floors up and they were putting the ink from highlighters in beakers of water then shining light on them so they glowed in the dark. The theme for the room was 'lets light up this place'

We went home for half an hour and then came back as the shulfest started at 4. There, Annika left me to go around with Emma, Ellen, Karishma, Naomi, Alice, Rachel, Aditi, Arwen, the other Ellen...

I paid four euros and got 5 tickets. I bought a crepe with cinammon and sugar (mit zimt und zucker). It was really good. Alice and Ellen got the same and Aditi got one with Nutella. We then all put tickets in to get four potato/hash brown things. They tasted ok but they were very oily.

We also spent a lot of time downstairs in the gym with the ropes and swings. They were fun. If was really warm down there and the steps were a good place to sit and chat. Later, we went up to the chemistry lab that me and Annika set up. It was cool, but we couldn't do the game there because everything was in german.

I bought a bag of toffee popcorn with my remaining ticket and then we all disappeared to go home at around 8. I was last to leave but then Jacob came to get me and we stayed for around another 20 mins with his parents (my host parents) while they had a look around too.

Im Großen und Ganzen war es toll, aber sehr anstrengend. Ich habe das Essen lecker gefunden. Das Wetter war kalt obwohl wir viel Spaß gemacht haben. 


Das Schulfest war sehr interessant , weil es viele Leute gab. Es gab eine Chemieshow. Es war ein bisschen langweilig. Es gab viele Aktivitäten, es war sehr lustig und hat Spaß gemacht. Ich denke es war sehr schön, weil es kreativ war.

