
Seven lakes and my birthday

Veröffentlicht: 14.10.2019

I made on the day before my birthday my first empanada. Look at this beauty:

Also Bariloche has this beautiful trees all over the place, I think it's cherry?

I read really mixed experiences about this place before but I gotta say, it's lovely.
Anyway, birthday. At first I wanted to eat really good, maybe some sushi and go into a spa or sauna on my special day but in the end I felt sad beeing alone all the time. So I created this event on Couchsurfing, writing I had birthday and inviting everyone to come. In the end five people came and we had a super cool evening together!
This is the crowd, thanks to you! You guys rock! Vanessa (next to me) even drew a little birthday card for me!
Yes it's hand drawn!
(This is a reference to the series Rick and Morty, she got it from my CS profile 😂)
We played a bit cards and Jenga but somehow we got plenty drinks for free because the personnel was overwhelmed with it's customers so we got pretty drunk. Playing Jenga finished in what you see above 😂
It was all safe, Roman is also a German engineer, mechanical science. 
I'm getting really well along with him and will most likely see him again in Puerto Madryn on the 20th, my next stop.
Afterwards we went to a techno party but since the entry was 500 Pesos (8,5€) I was the only one entering. Was really surprised by the intensity and quality of the music and stayed until the end.. just to see a beautiful morning.
On the next day the people used my birthday group to have another, unrelated party. I joined later because of the hangover I had.
It was a "get drunk and start painting" party. Needless to say there were some masterpieces created this evening!
(All right reserved, credits go to Roman)

On the next day I went on a trip to "Los siete lagos", the seven lakes.
The seven lakes are along the famous "routa 40", the route 40 which goes completely through Latin America. I found people on Couchsurfing who rented a car and we did that together.
While driving out of the city we noticed that there was a exhibition of Italian oldtimers. The two Italian guys on board liked that a lot. With reason, plenty of these cars were incredible beautiful.
Stating that there are just seven lakes on the road is interesting, please make your own opinion:
But yeah it's plenty of water on the road, it was super awesome!
Here are just some pictures, more in the picture session:

I am starting to like these shots really close above the surface of water.

There was also this small waterfall.

Surprise, a picture without water - liked this a lot tho!
Water, mountains, woods, wherever you go, it's truly incredible!

We stayed the night in Santa Martin de los Andes a Hostal for 15€ per person, which includes breakfast. It's not cheap but the place is due to extreme tourism very pricey. It had a warm swimming pool and two jakuzys which we used with great pleasure!

Oh totally forgot to mention: We got on the way some crepes which are made with all kinds of stuff. I'm very positive that this would be a huge thing in Germany, super cheap, healthy hipster style, easy to prepare and delicious!
First step: Eggs
Cheese (yeeeah you get where this is going)
Ham for me
And tomatoes
And the delicious beast is done.

We also tried to get some beer on the road (hours after the crepes) but failed. This restaurant was "abierto" (open) and "cerrado" (closed, on the door) at the same time. This definitely is a case for Schrödinger or some quantum physicians who understand objects having two states at the same time - but not for us, so we kept on going without beer.
Anyway I already told you about the Jakuzys. Obviously we were hungry and decided to eat some really good food.
There were these street musicians who also danced on our way but we couldn't figure out what was their deal.

The restaurant we went to was pretty stylish.
Originally we planned to share a huge asado but in the end no one wanted, when they figured out it's not only meat but mostly the organs of the animals.. I shared with Fabio aka a Fabiano (yes he is one of the Italians) one plate of mixed meat.
The waitress asked how we liked the steaks and we told her bloody-medium. They were well done anyway, like all the meat here is. I'll tell them next time I like steaks so bloody that that it's still moving 🙄
Argentinians eat meat always well-done which is a pitty considering the superior quality of the steaks.
Food was really good tho and the dessert even better!

For our way back I found out that there was a waterfall on the way, just 30 minutes walk from the main road.
The group was excited and we went there. It looked like a magical forest.
But after 5 minutes we faced this huge river and we definitely had to cross it for the waterfall.
Our group was not very amused but I told them not to be chickens, get some towels, take out jeans and shoes and go through there. And that's exactly what we did. It's mountain water, not warmer then 5°C and got almost up to our knees. It was biting cold but we had to go really slow because the current was strong and we really did not want to fall in there!
Afterwards there was more magical forest to see.
And it really changed its appearance fast.
Totally fell in love with this pretty unknown trail!
And of course, wild cows here aswell.
Seriously, this gotta be crowded by witches and goblins, right?!
This is some sort of mole, it was super slow and blind.
Aaaand waterfalls!
Super awesome, I had no idea they were so big!

Check this link for super beautiful videos (highly recommend clicking here.. seriously!)
(If there are no videos yet, I found no WiFi yet but after the 15th October they should be online!)
Obligatory group selfie again, left to right: Nash from Jamaica, "Fabiano" from Italy, Rohan from Australia and Juliano from Italy.
Back home I made a quiche for Silvia, my CS host. I had to improvise a lot due to the lack of red paprika and Tikka Masala, Ajvar or even Pesto but it was good nonetheless.
There are many guided tours here, the big majority of the people are Argentinians or Latin Americans and they usually are uniformed. This big group in their yellow jackets and the others in blue jackets for men and pink ones for woman.
Oh you may ask where I am now and what this picture is? Well stay tuned for the next blog, I am lacking WiFi to upload more pictures 😂
But I promise the next one is going to be EVEN BETTER then this one!

See you soon, love and peace, I'm hiking through the snow with the sneakers that now might be dry again.

Reiseberichte Argentinien