eva bikes away
eva bikes away

Jour 16 - Grüezi Schweiz, bye EU!

Veröffentlicht: 18.08.2022

From Cruseilles to Colombier 

- kind if forgot that Switzerland is not in the EU and I therefore wouldn't have free mobile data, that's why I did some digital detox and my blog is waaay behind now and those next posts will be rather short :D

- before entering Switzerland I did a big food haul in the last (organic) store in France and saved the routes and everything I would need offline though to survive expensive outside of Europe ;)

- people were also super kind and helpful, filling up my tyres to 5bar again (after that I was flying :D), refilling my water bottles, offering beer and even a place to sleep 

- ended up sleeping next to a Refuge though and enjoyed the peace and quiet of Swiss countryside :) 


Distance cycled: 85km (approx) 

Weather: warm& sunny, some clouds and wind


Reiseberichte Schweiz