On the road again
On the road again

28.04.2023 Child care project

Veröffentlicht: 28.04.2023

We got up early in the morning to go to our shift. The morning is much more calm at the club, there are only a few kids and the energy level is way lower.

The kids get their breakfast at the club and there is also time to play a few games before they get brought to school by the bus. All organized by the kidz club.

It's really impressive to see all the things they do.

I reinforced my surviving lego creations as best I could since I wouldn't be here to protect them in the afternoon.

After all the kids left we cleaned up a bit, but we were finished with all the work very early and headed back home to pack for the weekend.

We got on our first bus without much issue but the second bus had 30mins delay which was a bit of a problem since the check in at the hostel was only open until 21:00.

And just when we entered killarney there was another traffic jam which delayed us even further.

The hostel actually called svea at around 20:40 to check if we were still coming or not. And we assured them that we were on our way as fast as possible.

We barely managed to get there on time but we were able to check in and they showed us our rooms.

It's a very nice hostel. The showers, beds, rooms, design. Probably one of the nicest that I visited so far.

We took a walk around town and ate in a nearby restaurant where I had my first ribs during this journey.

And they were a bit spicy.

But still nice.

Then we headed back to the hostel. Tomorrow we got a long day of walking and exploring ahead of us.

Antworten (2)

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