On the road again
On the road again

27.04.2023 Child care project

Veröffentlicht: 27.04.2023

I had a challenge in the lego room today. There was one kid who kept looking at me and kind of whispering something but I never really heard what he said.

And when I asked him to repeat it he wouldn't do it.

He also gestured to the figures that I had already built and I told him that he could play with them if he wanted to but he never did.

After a while he went to another worker and she told me that he wanted my help in building a robot but since he came from the ukraine he wasn't able to speak english yet.

So I started to help and he wasn't bad at building lego, which made it more difficult because he had a very clear idea how the robot should look like and most of the things that I added were incorrect and he removed them again.

We started communicating by pointing at our arms and legs to show what kind of body part we wanted to build next. It took a while but we managed to do it.

After we came back home and finished our dinner, we went to visit a nearby horse farm with vincent. He used to work there when he was a teenager and still had good contacts with the people there.

Else we would not have been able to visit, since the farm is a private breeding farm for race horses. So the average horse there costs between 3 - 20million.

We visited just one part of the farm where there were a few mares that just had their young one's or were a few days away from giving birth.

The horses were really tame and we could pet them without issue.

On the way back we also got a tour from vincent about the town, he showed us all the farms that belonged to this one family and told us how the town used to look like.

We still managed to get home early enough, which was good because me and svea gotta be at work by 7:30 tomorrow.

We switched to the early shift so we can leave earlier to head to killarney over the long weekend.

We finish work at 11:30 and take the bus around 15:30. Then we have the entire saturday and sunday to stay in killarney which is supposed to be a very beautiful town.