On the road again
On the road again

18.04.2023 Child care project

Veröffentlicht: 18.04.2023

A lot of kids were asking the staff this morning if Nick was going to be playing Lego again. So I was selected to be in the playroom while Svea was doing homework again.


Our shift started at 13:00 again, we showed Hugo and Jade around who are the 2 new volunteers that just arrived, they are both from france. Jade was also helping with homework while Hugo was playing with the kids outside.

Some of the other kids had broken the lego monsters that we built yesterday, so of course I had to rebuild them first before the kids arrived.

There were even more kids than yesterday in the playroom. All building something with Lego. One of the staff even told some of the kids that they have to play outside to get some sun and Vitamin D, but they just wanted to keep playing with the legos.

The kids are making requests what kind of monster animal they want to have and then we built it "together". But mostly they just tell me to add more weapons or teeth to the monsters or what colors to use.

So after a whole day of kneeling on the ground playing with Legos, I was glad that we went to play some Badminton again because my legs felt broken.

After dinner me, svea, hannah and jade all went to play. The other guys were happy to see us again and that we managed to bring some new players aswell.

It was exciting again especially playing with the people that have been playing for years. They are always helpful and really challenging to play against.

I am nowhere near their level but it's still fun.

Now my legs hurt from jumping and kneeling. Let's see if I'm in the playroom again tomorrow.

Antworten (2)

Hallo Nick, wat fijn dat de kinderen graag lego met je spelen, je bent heel goed met het spelen met de kinderen. Fijne dag en een Dikke Knuffel Oma xxx

Ze zijn blij met je en gelijk hebben ze!!!