On the road again
On the road again

15.05.2023 The first day

Veröffentlicht: 16.05.2023

We went to the red cross shop with Clem, Clemence and Carina all volunteering at Seeds. 

The store gets a lot of donations, also people that just walk in to give their clothes or ask to volunteer. 

I was surprised by how many people came in to buy clothes. Still there were 5 of us so we had a bit of time.

So carina and Clemence told us that there was a rule. The first time that you work at the red cross you have to dress up. And we did not get to choose our outfits.

We made a fun time out of it, though besides that I am pretty sure I never want to work in sales.

Afterwards we went to the seeds office and spoke to Katla. She asked us how we learned about the project, what we expect, what we "feared" and so on.

It was a good talk and they know that RGV still has a lot of misinformation about the project and have told them multiple times already.

We then went for a short walk around and returned hom were we relaxed for a while before going outside to play basketball with a just a few of the seeds members, though after a bit more and more showed up and we a full team vs team game. I am not very good at basketball.

The people at SEEDS are really nice and after the first shock, I think we are going to have a good time here.

During dinner we watched a bit of netflix and then went to bed.

Tomorrow we are back at the red cross shop and in the evening we already start the first day of camp.
Antworten (2)

klinkt goed, Nick! Veel plezierXXX

Goedemorgen Nick, Gelukkig is het goed meegevallen je kan zo in een modeshow meelopen. Knuffel Oma xxx