On the road again
On the road again

08.04.2023 Child care project

Veröffentlicht: 08.04.2023

In the morning we said farewell to Lars who had finished his 3month stay here. He was a bit nervous but also very excited to go back home.

After that me, svea and hannah took the bus to cashel to visit some old castle ruins. Though our first bust came very late so we missed the second bus which meant we where stuck in cahir for about an hour.

Which we used to see the old castle ruins in cahir. We said that we were all students so we got some discount to enter the castle. Even though none of us were really studying at the moment.

Arriving at the bus station in cashel we headed straight to the rock of cashel which was a big castle upon a hill. We again told the reception that we would like 3 student tickets. But this time she actually asked to see our student cards. Thankfully Hanna actually had a simple student ID with her and that was enough to get us all in.

We also went to visit another ruin further down the hill, though this one was free for some reason, even though it was about the same size as the first two. 

We also ate our sandwiches inside the ruin and then walked around town for a while. The next and last bus would leave at 18:15 so we still got time.

We went to a few cathedrals nearby and took a break inside a coffee shop. 

When we returned to the bus station we were a little confused because the board with the bus departures was very chaotic. So we just used google maps to find out where we had to wait.

Just to be sure we asked some locals which bus we had to take to get to clonmel and they actually told us that we where at the wrong one. 

There was another "secret" bus location which isn't marked in anyway and is only known by the people that actually live here.

We thought that was quite weird so we decided to split up. I waited at the secret bus stop while svea and hannah waited at the one from google maps.

About 2minutes lates the silver bus heading to clonmel actually showed up but none of our preperation mattered because ot drove past the google maps bus stop and past the secret bus stop.

So it just ignored us and drove away...

After a bit of discussion we decided to get a taxi. I called the first number that google recommended to me however it was no longer in service. At the second number somebody actually picked up the phone. 

But they said they were no longer doing taxi services and hung up. At the third number nobody picked up at all. So hannah decided to call her guest family but they didn't pick up either. 

Thankfully svea found another taxi number that actually answered the phone and was also still in business so we managed to get our ride home with a very friendly lad called celestine.

We had dinner and took the evening taking it easy. Tomorrow we got another free day ahead of us.

Antworten (1)

Hallo Nick, weer mooie foto's stuur er eens waar je zelf opstaat, zelfie of aan iemand vragen. Denk dat je het goed naar je zin hebt, fijne Paasdagen xxxOma