On the road again
On the road again

07.04.2023 Child care project

Veröffentlicht: 07.04.2023

Today was a holiday so we took it easy in the morning and went for a late brunch in "the junction" which was a really nice pub that served a lot of different options brunch options.

 Followed by a quick walk around the city. After that I took a nap and really made myself a bit of a relaxing day. I still have a bit of a cold so I hope that this weekend I will finally get over that.

The host family Bernie and Vincent are really great. You can engage and talk with anybody from the family or just be in your own room. We all got keys to the house so we can come and go at anytime.

We have our own dinner table just for us volunteers in our dining room and there is always snacks available. Even all the washing is done for us.

They are also known to always pick up any volunteers or students that are staying abroad that had a bad experience with their host family. I really got lucky that I got to stay here.

After dinner we met at another pub that also had live music which was quite good but a bit loud to really have a conversation so I didn't stay for too long.

Tomorrow Lars is leaving and we are going to look at some castles in cashel.

Antworten (2)

Hallo Nick, wat fijn dat je bij een leuk gastgezin bent .En dat je kleren gewassen worden. Daar morgen ook Pasen ,dus nog een vrije dag zeker .Dikke Knuffel Oma xxx

Fijne paasdagen Nick. Leuke plek waar je nu terecht gekomen bent. Lieve groet.