
Exeter on Saturday

Veröffentlicht: 28.05.2017

The weather forecast was pessimistic so I decided to go to the city and in case of rain I can visit museums, churches  or go shopping. But reached the train station in Totnes the sun comed out and everyone, except of me, wear shorts and t-shirt.  A short trip on the train brought  me to Exeter.  The walk from train station to city needed 20 minutes always up the hill. I went off of my jacket ! 

On the way I see the entrance of a nice parc around the castle, called Northern Haygarden with a beautiful view over the river valley and the deeper part of the town. Families made picknic and students hanged around. Exeter is a university city, so I saw lots of young people there. Directly at the park there was Exeter library and out of cafe I had a green sight in the park, a cafe latte and a sandwich.  After this break I wandered around the sunny city, heared a brilliant guitar player on the street, watching a wedding with oldtimer near the cathedral and started to explore this impressing church. Hard to describe, so see the pictures! As a special the choir was doing rehearsal this afternoon and it seemed that the angels singing. 

Out of the cathedral the sun still shined and everywhere around the church people sitted in the grass and enjoyed the weather. I looked for Victoria  and Albert museum, which was recently restored and had a nice old-modern interior. Like it! After this i decided to go back to the railway station.  But me and feet were so tired that I stopped at a nice restaurant near the university, the Imperal. It was on a hill, full of young people and you can sit outside on the meadow. To order you had to mind your table number, go inside order, pay and the food was brought. The drink I got immediately and also a second drink for free (no idea why). Came back to my table two men sat there. They complained, but I invited them to stay. It was the first day my voice was back and it was more enjoyable than eat alone. Funny guys, they were from Ireland, meteorologists and working for IBM to do weather forcasts for agriculture and the airforce. A few years ago they moved from Ireland to Devon and as most people I talk here, they are still in love with this region. They try to find out where I come from, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria... no German with a cold! That was the serve for them to praise the wonderful Germany ... It was a strange but very pleasant experience, that everybody I talk with had such a positive and friendly seight on Germany.  

After this nice contact with some natives I catch the train to Totnes.

Erica was at home and asked to share the dinner or a glass of wine, because a friend who lives in south Africa for a year was expected. So I got to know Jonathan and also Kath a old friend of Erica. Jonathan is a filmer and got arround all over the world. At the moment he is on the way to Israel,  where he do film with Daniel Barenboim, wow! But he is a common guy, friendly and interested in all kind of people. We talk about children, parents, South Africa, politics and Germany. He  also admired Germany about treating the refugee problems, the kind people and the good organized administration. Wow again.

Felt in bed, my voice was away again, but I was a little bit proud to be a german.
