
Sing your own song

Veröffentlicht: 14.09.2019

A poem written by Brian D. Tripp

I am from the spawning ground

It's the one we all know

At One time or Another

We all swam from the same hole

That's when my Father broke

That's when my Father spoke

He said, when I was young, I was told

Know how the water tastes

Know which way it blows

Learn from the animals, the birds and the bees

Say a prayer for the homeground

The Rivers, the Rocks

The mountains, the oceans, the trees

Always give more than you take

Always work hard for the People's sake

Don't tell lies

Do things right

Sing your own song and you won't go wrong

So what i know is what i owe

Take it use it

Then put it back in the ground

Where it was before it was found

Then give it water let it flow

Make it bright let it glow

With Love

With Respect

That way that day

We all can grow
