Vater&Tochter. Eine Fahrt in die Erinnerung
Vater&Tochter. Eine Fahrt in die Erinnerung

Museum of old russian houses

Veröffentlicht: 29.07.2018

After breakfast our friend Anatoli drove us out of town to show us the museum of old russian houses.

The exehibition showed the earlier way of life of the russian people around this area. It was build like a little village. Little houses showed the practical way of living of hunters, fishermen and farmers. We saw how they used to live and how they manage family life and the hard day-to-day work for surviving. We really like the impression we got. And at the same time it was very similar to the old houses of old germany (for example in Schwarzwald/ South of Germany) and even similar to a little museum in the US, which dad, mom and Monika visited in 2015.

So we see, the urban life of people around the world was not as different as we think it was. But special, that every region had their own traditions and handcraft.

In that museum we met a guy from the Ukraine who was looking for his roots in Russia. His grandmother lived close to Vologda.

In the very end of the exhibition we learned something about the fortress ross. The history of the Russian America. The Russians took the Behring-See-Way to reach America. In the 18th Century the Russians founded a colonie- which still exist in California, US. This was very important for trading goods, exspecially for mink and etc. So we see, everything was connected, even before we had internet and the common declaration of `globalization´.

Afterwards we went for lunch and had a great time just sitting and watching. And because traveling can be exhausting we had a good afternoon nap and a stroll to end the day. We stay in a very pretty little town, the people are very friendly and welcoming. Just one thing is a pitty, there is a technical problem at the hotel, so we don´t have hot water... We will see how this works the next days!

Stay cool, we will- because we can only take cold showers... ;)
