Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown



The long journey back home...

Snow in Autumn: The Travertine Terraces of Pamukkale

We explore the snow-white slopes of Pamukkale and the ancient city of Hierapolis.

A cheerful people with sad songs

In Mardin, on the old Silk Road, we live for a few days with a Kurdish family.

Visiting the Cradle of Culture

A journey to the place where people settled.

Tarsus: On the trails of St. Paul

What do Paulus, Cleopatra, Maria, and Stefan have in common?

Miss Mandarin - Where sweet fruits grow

Hard work on the tangerine farm and a good piece of Turkish lifestyle.

Zwischenstand: Rückkehr nach Deutschland

Was?! Schon zurück in Deutschland? Aber da fehlt doch noch so viel! No worries, we got you covered! ...

Dracula and Deutsche Bahn

Dracula, Communism, and a reunion with Deutsche Bahn.

Off to the Carpathians!

We spent 5 days in the mountains, just on our own.

Visiting the Lavender-Lady

German Harvest Helpers in Romania!

This Stefan is currently occupied

No new post today. Sorry! ;)

Hunza Paradise

Welcome to Hunza, where the happy people live.

Camping and Climbing in Croatia

First city, then nature. There was a lot to experience in Croatia.

Dobova - a town on the border: A snapshot

Bizarre experiences on the edge of a journey

How to awaken sleeping beauties

The old castle in Mirna, the 'Sleeping Beauty', slowly awakens from its slumber and we were also par...

A journey through the Shire

The hobbits have traversed the Shire.

Ljubljana - A Tale of Dragons, Caves, and Protests

A tale of fantastic and real dragons and a little more ;)

Four days on the road: crossing the Alps, music and yoga

The Alpine nation offers more than just Almdudler. Besides a little swimming trip, we had a musical ...

1 Day to go...

The big journey begins tomorrow! Where will it take us?