You-Me and Marco Polo

You-Me and Marco Polo

Weltreise Yumi & Marco



After two unsuccessful attempts to travel to Japan, it will finally work for the third time in autum...

Costa Rica

Il nostro viaggio di andata e ritorno di 3 settimane ci ha portato dalla capitale San José prima al ...


The last stage of our world trip took us to Iran, where we traveled for about 3 weeks. As always, we...

Uruguay & Argentina

After 10 days in the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo, we traveled through Argentina for 6 weeks. From...


From Cuba, we took a week-long detour to Mexico before traveling through Peru for a month. We have c...


In Kuba verbrachten wir Weihnachten und Neujahr mit Yumi’s Familie und bereisten anschliessend den ö...


Wir verbrachten die letzten 5 Wochen in Kolumbien und lebten einen Monat lang in Cartagena an der Ka...

Vanuatu & Fiji

Alo and Bula-Bula from the South Pacific! In the past 3 weeks, we visited a total of 7 islands in Va...

Vietnam & Cambodia

The past few weeks we spent in Vietnam, where we traveled through the country from north to south an...