Addendum to the Niagara Falls

Ebifulumiziddwa: 04.05.2018

This morning before leaving for the airport, I wanted to drive by the falls again and take a look. I noticed that today there was much more to see and the extreme mist from yesterday was gone. So I stopped at the first free parking lot after the falls and walked about 2 kilometers back to the waterfalls to take another look. I must say, I enjoyed it much more today. Additionally, I walked through a very beautiful park on the way to the waterfalls. Apart from all the tourist stuff waiting at the other end of the waterfalls, it is truly a magnificent piece of nature and today I was able to enjoy it even more. Furthermore, spring is now in full swing here and the trees are forming the first little buds. At 24 degrees and sunny weather, the splashing of the waterfalls already provided a pleasant cooling. Good weather is also predicted for my weekend in Vancouver, and I'm looking forward to it. Now I'm already at the airport, waiting for my flight to Vancouver. Returning the car went smoothly. The plane departs in two hours, so see you soon :)


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