
San Gil - Rafting

Published: 23.03.2024

Day 16

San Gil

After a relaxed breakfast with fruit, empanadas and a few communication difficulties, we were picked up at the rafting site at 9:45 am. During the tour, we met a large group of mainly medical professionals. First, we received intensive instructions and safety instructions for the upcoming rafting. On previous rafting trips, there was never any real instruction. After a dry and wet exercise, the wild ride began. The river had a reasonable amount of water and I initially sat in the middle section, which was fun. Then I moved up a seat to the front, which meant a lot more water in my face, but also a lot more entertainment. The rapids were really very wavy and fast, not compared to the Hunte at home. There were a few near falls from the boat, but in the end the whole group managed to stay in the raft. It really was by far the best rafting tour I have ever done. Afterwards, we had lunch before heading back to San Gil. There, the Spain - Colombia match was waiting for us in a bar, which was like a celebration, especially the Colombian victory. We watched the game in the Central Bar, then went with the rafting group to the very popular Gringo Mike's Bar for a few beers and a tasty cena (dinner).

Answer (1)

Ohhhh das ist cool!