Mallorca SA Calobra
Mallorca Soller
Mallorca Arrenal
Mallorca Old Town
A bit battered but optimistic into the new year
Photos of Canovelles (Barcelona), just a step away from the city of Granollers.
Photos of the Very Noble and Loyal City of Huéscar (Granada).
Photos of the Very Noble and Loyal City of Huéscar (Granada).
Photos of the Natural Public Spring of Fuencaliente de Orce (Granada).
Never catch a foiling knife..!
Photos of Calatayud (Zaragoza), formerly Bílbilis and the city of Dolores.
Photos from the Saturday market of Bigues i Riells del Fai (Barcelona).
Photos of Castilléjar (de los Ríos), the birthplace of my grandmother and my uncles.
Photos of Castilléjar (de los Ríos), my grandmother's and uncles' hometown.
Photos from my car of Sieteiglesias de Tormes.
Photos of La Ràpita, a city that brings back fond memories of my childhood.