Terms of Use

§ 1

The following terms of use apply to the use of this website in the relationship between the user and the operator of the site (hereinafter: provider). The use of the forum and the community functions is only permitted if the user accepts these terms of use.

§ 2
Registration, participation, membership in the community

(1) Prior registration is a prerequisite for using the forum and the community. With the successful registration, the user becomes a member of the community.

(2) There is no entitlement to membership.

(3) The user may not allow third parties to use his access. The user is obliged to keep his access data secret and to protect it from access by third parties.

§ 3
Services of the Provider

(1) The provider allows the user to publish articles on his website within the framework of these terms of use. The provider provides users with a discussion forum with community functions free of charge within the scope of its technical and economic possibilities. The provider endeavors to keep its service available. The provider does not assume any additional performance obligations. In particular, the user has no right to constant availability of the service.

(2) The provider assumes no liability for the correctness, completeness, reliability, topicality and usability of the content provided.

§ 4

(1) Claims for damages by the user are excluded unless otherwise specified below. The above exclusion of liability also applies to the legal representatives and vicarious agents of the provider if the user asserts claims against them.

(2) Excluded from the exclusion of liability specified in paragraph 1 are claims for damages due to injury to life, limb, health and claims for damages from the violation of essential contractual obligations. Significant contractual obligations are those whose fulfillment is necessary to achieve the objective of the contract. Also excluded from the exclusion of liability is liability for damage based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the provider, his legal representatives or vicarious agents.

§ 5
User Obligations

(1) The user undertakes to the provider not to publish any contributions that violate common decency or applicable law. In particular, the user undertakes not to publish any contributions
  • the publication of which constitutes a criminal offense or an administrative offence,
  • that violate copyright, trademark or competition law,
  • who violate the Legal Services Act,
  • that have offensive, racist, discriminatory or pornographic content,
  • that contain advertising.

(2) In the event of a violation of the obligation from paragraph 1, the provider is entitled to change or delete the relevant contributions and to block the user's access. The user is obliged to compensate the provider for the damage caused by the breach of duty.

(3) The provider has the right to delete contributions and content if they could contain a violation of the law.

(4) The provider has a claim against the user for exemption from third-party claims that they assert due to the violation of a right by the user. The user undertakes to support the provider in defending against such claims. The user is also obliged to bear the costs of an appropriate legal defense of the provider.

§ 6
Transfer of Use Rights

(1) The copyright for the posted contributions remains with the respective user. However, by posting his contribution in the forum, the user grants the provider the right to keep the contribution permanently available for retrieval on his website and to make it publicly accessible. The provider has the right to move posts within its website and to connect them to other content.

(2) The user has no claim against the provider for the deletion or correction of contributions made by him.

§ 7
Termination of Membership

(1) The user can terminate his membership by making a corresponding declaration to the provider without observing a deadline. Upon request, the provider will then block the user's access.

(2) The provider is entitled to terminate a user's membership by giving 2 weeks' notice to the end of the month.

(3) If there is an important reason, the provider is entitled to block the user's access immediately and to terminate the membership without notice.

(4) The provider is entitled to block the user's access after the membership has ended. The provider is entitled but not obliged to delete the content created by the user in the event of termination of membership. A claim by the user to transfer the created content is excluded.

§ 8th
Modification or Discontinuation of the Offer

(1) The provider is entitled to make changes to its service.

(2) The provider is entitled to terminate its service with a notice period of 2 weeks. In the event of the termination of its service, the provider is entitled but not obliged to delete the content created by the users.

§ 9
choice of law

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to the contractual relationships between the provider and the user. Excluded from this choice of law are the mandatory consumer protection regulations of the country in which the user has his habitual residence.