
Amazon return

Published: 21.03.2024

Day 14

Puerto Narino & Leticia

After waking up in the deepest jungle and an interesting ceremony, we went back to the village early in the morning, as Brainer was already expecting the next tour. I was accidentally booked on the ferry at 3:30 p.m. instead of 1:30 p.m. and now we were back at 8:30 a.m. My clothes were also a little wet because I fell into a small swamp on the flooded and adventurous path. In the office I could only take a shower and I was in good spirits that I would still be able to catch the ferry at 10:00, even though I had already been told in several ways that it was not possible. The nice Señora sold me a silk scarf in the office, the proceeds from which will be used to support local children and school projects. Then the positive news I was hoping for came: I should go to the port and it doesn't look bad that I can take the earlier ferry. The law of attraction has struck again, as it has done many times on the journey. My book tip: The Secret by Rhonde Byrne.

After a relaxed way back, where someone simply joined us on another boat and a dolphin said goodbye to me at the harbor, I arrived at the hostel in Leticia and the three of us exchanged our experiences from the last evening. Afterwards we had a good lunch and briefly went over to Brazil. Otherwise, today was more for relaxation. Has to be too.

Answer (1)

Man Wahnsinn was ihr erlebt habt bis jetzt viel Spaß weiterhin 🫶😘