
Amazonas II

Published: 21.03.2024

Day 12

Porto Nariño

Even after a tiring day yesterday, our tour program did not stop. In the morning at 08:00 there was breakfast and at 09:00 we set off on the kayaks. Marius and I formed a perfectly coordinated tandem. Along our route, we saw many iguanas and a toucan. The sun was already blazing, so it was pleasant to spend a large part of the tour in the protected shade of the trees rooted in the water.

After about an hour and a half, we drove to a Monkey Sanctuary. There lived a total of four species of monkeys who are fed and protected there and decide for themselves whether to stay there or in the wild. They were very playful and climbed on us and literally ate out of our hands. A very beautiful sight to see them jumping through the trees. There were also three parrots on site, which were well-behaved and landed on our arms and were fed. After a good three-quarters of an hour, we returned to the kayaks and back to Porto Nariño to our main location for lunch. After a relaxing break, our next hike began.

With rain boots, we first went over paved ground, where we heard stories about the different tribes in Puerto Nariño. Then we reached the swampy rainforest and could try various fruits such as cocoa and other native fruits, and learn about plants and discover some animal species. There were also cows grazing here. Later we arrived at an Ayahuasca ritual site, where we saw a caiman and the largest freshwater fish in the world, the rainbow trout.

On the way back, the night hike began. We saw countless insects, tarantulas, and also poisonous spider and frog species, as well as a snake, just to name the highlights. A mix of adrenaline and adventure, our guide seemed to be knowledgeable about the critters and had no fear taking them in his hand and lifting the unknown snake. In the end, we were glad to be safely out of the flashlight tour and ended the evening with dinner and Caipiranha.


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