
Paragliding + 5 Holes

Published: 25.03.2024

Day 17

San Gil

This morning we had a delicious fruit platter for breakfast, as only Marius knows how to make. After the feast, we took a one-hour bus ride to the paragliding spot. So far, I had only experienced parasailing, where you are pulled behind a boat. In paragliding, you rely solely on the rising heat and winds. At the start of the first half of our group, I was quite nervous, as we soared up to 2000 meters high. During takeoff, we had to run quickly and off we went into the wild flight. In the first 5 minutes, I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. We flew over the mountains to great heights. In the end, I couldn't resist participating in some acrobatics such as somersaults, spins, and turns. Thank God my stomach cooperated, even though I felt a little queasy after about 25 minutes of flight, the great experience outweighed it. Our group managed to land well, unlike the group after us, where a guide cushioned a passenger and was taken to the hospital with a broken leg. Get well soon!

After our tour bus ride, we headed to the 5 Holes, which symbolizes different pools along a river. We took the rest of the way with a Tuk-Tuk after a classic Colombian almuerzo (lunch), up to the topmost hole. Luckily, because the climb was really steep, especially in the blazing sun. After some swimming and cliff jumping, we walked further towards the valley and visited each hole once. Along the way, we were supplied with beer by locals, and at the penultimate hole, I had the chance to enjoy a natural rock slide. The walk at sunset was also very beautiful! We took the public bus back to San Gil and had a delicious dinner with our group of 4 on a tasty bowl. Exhausted and happy, we then went to bed.

Answer (1)

Verrückt verrückt was ihr so erlebt das kann euch keiner mehr nehmen ich freu mich so für dich /Euch Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland Gerlinde