ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 29.02.2020
Hello everyone
Today we will keep it short because there is not much to report.
We started our ride at 12:30 pm after having breakfast delivered to our room :).
Originally, we expected a travel time of 3 hours and 11 minutes and 166 kilometers. But somehow time was against us - no matter how we rode. We finally reached the hotel at 6 pm and once again everything hurt from the ride :).
Later, we will have dinner - right here at the hotel, and then go to bed early. Oh, and this hotel is really cheap! We are only paying CHF 8.- for the night :).
Tomorrow we will continue to the south, but we still need to see how far we can go :).
So, until tomorrow!