
Hiking and City

已发表: 06.09.2020

What are we doing today....? What else is on the list? We're too late for the big market (2 hours drive, the fishmongers leave at 1 pm and everyone else starts packing up...). But we're also too late for the longer tours (all within a 2-hour drive radius...). What about Morlaix? Only 1 hour drive and the GR 34 there is still unknown! Alright - let's open Google Maps and plan the route. We should be able to cover 9-10 km. Then we can go to Morlaix. That works timing-wise. So pack your backpack and let's go!

The route

Today, the starting point for the route was Kervezec. You don't know it? Neither do we. But it was a good place to park. Since this.... town is so small, it has only one parking lot (the one near the supermarket). So Challenge 1 checked off. Challenge 2: finding the GR - so let's head towards the sea. It didn't take long until we saw the first lamppost with a marker. At first, the path went through residential areas and through industrial areas for oyster sales.

Found it!


Plenty of them here....

Always beautiful houses

Afterwards, we found out from a trash can that the path continues through the sea.

Fortunately, it was low tide (as always). So the other food provider had the opportunity to collect mussels.... collectors and all.... (delay + 30 min).

The loot

From the beach, we went back to residential areas and back to the beach. With a bookshelf by the sea...

There was a road that went through the sea. It was only passable at certain times (see schedule).

Otherwise, it was submerged in the sea (how do you pave something like that??? Pave one meter at a time, let it cool, wait for the tide, wait for low tide, and start over??? And who cleans up the algae and everything every time???). Now we were so fascinated by this road that we temporarily deviated from the path (delay + 20 min).

The road through the sea

We didn't plan to go here...

Back on the planned route, the GR 34 presented itself again in all its splendor. Coastline, beach, overgrown paths, etc. Here are some pictures of the path.... (with postcard blue, of course)

Passing by more front yards... but this time not cutting through (the French have to allow hikers to do that. In return, their hedges are well maintained and the trash is removed)


In a very beautiful bay with lots of small sailboats (yes, I know - almost cheesy but beauuuutiful...), we took a short break. There was a very nice beach bar here (very colorful) with a very motivated waiter (who somehow gave a relatively feminine impression...). No glass had the same color, the straws were bright and colorful, and if you ordered ice cream, you got a bowl of ice cream with a huge Breton flag on top. So the smoothie was worth it (delay + 30 min).

However, the waiter was so busy tying the straws together that he forgot the water for the tea sausage. He had already knotted his tongue like the said drinking aid and therefore had to drink from the ashtray (he survived, please don't contact animal welfare...).

Since time was starting to get a bit tight, we only quickly climbed the next viewpoint.


From here, the return journey (uphill, full sun...) took 40 minutes. Here are some more pictures of houses...

Perfect for any postcard

The drive to Morlaix took another 20 minutes and we also wanted to eat and explore the city. So we hurried back to the car (uphill...) to start the one-hour journey back home.


Of course, as tourists, we took photos of it. A Frenchman found it somehow funny and posed in front of the camera. I noticed after the 5th photo. For his efforts, the photo will of course be uploaded.

Smile, please!

The river runs through half of the city. During our last visit, we had coffee by the river (we were there earlier).

Here are some impressions of the city:

For some reason, the trees and the ground are decorated with butterflies and flowers at the moment (it looks very beautiful):

Butterflies in trees

Enough sightseeing. After burning off yesterday's dessert, it's time to find some food again. In a side street, we found a restaurant that sold steaks for €13 and since we both wanted meat today, it worked out.

Said side street...

When I saw that the waiter was of Asian descent, I had a (very brief) hope that we could communicate in English... of course not.

But we managed to order drinks. (Today a big bottle of cider...). Of course, the tea sausage should not be left out. But when the waitress put a water bowl in front of me with the comment 'for you', it was kind of strange (is that how it is in Asia?).

Kir Breton
Where else should the food go?

We managed to order the steak (medium). However, the table was so wobbly that only one person could cut without everything flying off the table (the other person had to hold the table...). The portion was quite enormous and we both struggled with it (the tea sausage struggled with envy...).

So, feeling overly full, we made our way back to the car (uphill...), to start the one-hour journey back home.

Return journey

And so, with a new color on our faces and well-fed, we fell straight into bed.

Let's see what the day brings tomorrow.

Until then!

