Unintended repetition

Được phát hành: 06.09.2020

Sometimes one should read their own blog....then I might have realized beforehand that I had already covered the section of the GR 34 last time (the previous repetitions were planned....that's how it is with hiking...). Since we could only motivate ourselves to go out at around 3 p.m. today, the 'walk' should not take place too far away. Two points that could be easily combined were still on the To-Do list for the nearby area.

But let's start with the usual problem: finding a parking space. The good thing in France is that you can always find free parking spaces with more or less effort. The parking space just needs to be located so that you don't have to walk too far on the 'not GR 34' path. We found a place that meets these criteria relatively quickly. So we shouldered our backpacks, motivated the Teewurst (haha...it would be nice if that were necessary...) and off we went.

After searching for a parking space, the search for the GR-34 always follows. In my experience, you always have good chances with that by the sea...Arriving there, everything seemed strangely familiar to me....hmm....yes, we had been here before....damn! If only I had looked at the blog beforehand. But what can you do. We are here now, the Teewurst needs exercise anyway and at least I know where we need to go...

Starting point on the GR 34

I'll warn you already: We started with gray clouds, so there won't be any postcard pictures at first.

Even more beautiful with a blue sky...

But the Teewurst has to serve as a model....

Nevertheless, it was relatively relaxed to walk on the familiar path towards the sea. Unfortunately, the Teewurst has some 'issues' with water. It used to be completely unretrievable (that can be controlled relatively well with food now...), but today it is still very restless and tends to either dig or drain the big pond. At low tide, it finds digging boring, but drinking is always an option....and since saltwater quickly enters the dog's body or, as already described, comes out even faster (and a lot of saltwater leads to a lot of thirst...I can't carry more than 2 bottles of water without a cart...), I try desperately to prevent it but try explaining to a sausage that she shouldn't drink HERE. The sausage just doesn't understand! So what to do? Stuff the sausage's mouth (that's called distraction....). You can't drink with a full mouth! So today the Teewurst had the mooooost important task of carrying the food bag along the sea and lo and behold: Teewurst was proud like Oscar....The sea stayed in place!

You're doing a greeeeeeat job....

From the sea, the GR 34 continues along smaller paths.

For blind people

The goal was a small mini peninsula that can be circumvented over sticks and stones (uphill....). On this section, we met a young couple who also wanted to go around the island. He in a shirt, pants and fancy shoes...she also dressed fancier. I couldn't help but laugh to myself...when I saw the two of them climbing up there in my mind's eye....but well. Everyone laughs at me because of my Chucks, so each to their own....

Here are some pictures of the path

The view is getting better and better
The Teewurst surveys the situation...

When we reached the top, the two lovebirds sat there, gazing at the sea. Stupidly, the Teewurst was in 'gazelle mode' at that moment and almost bumped into them at full speed (apparently, it disturbed the idyll a bit, but that's how Australians are...).

We also took a photo break up on the mountain before continuing (the view was great as always!).

Portrait mode

Unfortunately, the passage then continued steeply uphill and by now the gentleman was no longer wearing a shirt, but going bare-chested (ha! I knew it! Everyone sweats like a moose here! No romantic date...). At some point, my prayers were answered and it went downhill again....at an excessive speed....and on my bottom....which led the other food provider to contemplate my shoe profile...well.....shake off the dust and dirt and off we go.

Just before the fall

Nice place to live

Today, the walk should not turn into another long one, so after the island, we looked for a smart detour towards the car. In hindsight, I remember this spot well (from 2018). Back then, I started sweating when I saw the path up the mountain and thought I had to go up there. Fortunately, it turned out that the path went elsewhere....last time...not this time though...and so we crawled (or rather, I crawled) up there with the other couple (he still topless, by now you could already see his boxer shorts). Unfortunately, the Teewurst had to stop more often, otherwise we would have won of course....but whoever conquers the mountain is usually rewarded with a corresponding view:

So we made our way back to the car....and of course, I photographed more plants and houses...

Like I said, plants can do it here...

Houses too...

By now it was time for dinner again, so we drove to Tregastel to 'Le Mao'. I knew it from the last trip and it was good back then. The courtyard is nicely designed and the prices are relatively reasonable. When we arrived, the terrace was already half full. The waiter informed us that they would not open for another 40 minutes (do these people just sit here as decoration???). When I asked if we could only have something to drink until then, he replied that they still had to clean everything, etc. (what are these people doing then??? 20 people to clean??? And you've been here since 12:30???) Due to our lack of French language skills and his lack of English language skills, we spent the time in a café on the beach.

But it was getting a bit chilly...so back again. New attempt. We chose the freshly cleaned tables and decided on a set menu (in France, a set menu is often offered for lunch and a selection of several menus for dinner).

The starter (Langustino & friends) only took half the evening. By the time you have peeled all the meat, the feeling of fullness has already started. The other food provider needed another 10-20 minutes (no nanogram must be wasted).

May God bless you....

Therefore, after the work-intensive starter (burned more calories by peeling than by eating), I tried to inhale the main course as quickly as possible in order to finish it before feeling full. However, this consisted of mussels and if you eat them too quickly, you can easily cut your lip with those creatures.....

Including a stalker while eating

The dessert finished both of us off (so delicious...) and that means we need more exercise tomorrow.

Apples with caramel

Well satisfied, we then went home and off to bed.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Until then!

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