
Find the difference!

Published: 25.07.2024

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the sun burns on the tent, making it unbearable. So we just get up. We are not the only ones. An Austrian cyclist and a Swiss, Manuel, have breakfast with us. The nameless Austrian has already been 'up', Manuel has the same way ahead of us. The Austrian raves about the Scienic Road 889, which is very lonely, wild, and 90 kilometers without a shopping opportunity. We wanted to take this road anyway, instead of the tourist-overrun E6. The 889 is a dead-end road that ends in Havøysund. From there, it continues either with the postal ships of Hurtigruten, or back. We start the adventure in beautiful sunshine and a few clouds. The road is lonely, but not as expected, there are vacation homes on the left and right. You can see it from the signs for the winter, 'Beware of snowmobiles'. The wind has picked up and blows against us, not so easy. The clouds are getting thicker and darker. Peter suddenly makes a full stop - something white is in the forest. Snowmobile - hopefully not an ice bear and surely not a unicorn. We observe the animal from a distance for a while, it is indeed an albino moose. Unbelievable, a thousand kilometers driven and nothing, and suddenly a white moose. That's hardly believable. It hides back in the forest. Our ride becomes a real torture. It's suddenly only 15 degrees from 30 in the morning and the wind blows relentlessly in our faces. We have to put on more layers, despite the effort it feels ice-cold. We struggle piece by piece along this wild, rugged, and beautiful coastal road. Surely breathtaking in the sunshine... we have now put on the rain gear and continue to fight against the headwind. The radar shows heavy rain in about 2 hours. We decide to call it a day and look for a place to endure the rain and the storm. Not so easy in this barren, wind-whipped landscape. It has to be reasonably sheltered from the wind and not flood during the rain. We find a suitable place, quickly set up the tent, and make everything waterproof and windproof. Quickly cook something before the dark clouds unload and into the tent. The mosquitoes are still bothering us and trying to annoy us. Anja gets one in the eye, looks pretty bad. We crawl totally exhausted into the sleeping bag and don't get out for the next 12 hours, doze off and count the mosquitoes on the outside of the tent. In the morning, the rain has stopped but the wind hasn't. Coffee brings us back to life and semolina with nuts and blueberries helps even more. Now we wait for the tent to dry and start the rest of the lonely headwind road to Havøysund, looking forward to our booked and dry room. Thanks to big sunglasses, Anja's boxer eye is also not visible, but there are even a few bright spots that look like sun. Yes, we're not complaining at all, we're aware that the last few days of sunshine and warmth were an absolute gift here in the Arctic region.
Kilometers effective: 52 felt: 100
Altitude meters: 375
Let's start the day...
