
Vast expanse | Infinite vastness

Published: 23.07.2024

Small, very small are we in this infinite vastness. But we do not feel small at all. It is an indescribable feeling of freedom early in the morning on this high plateau to feel the warm wind, and YES it comes from behind. It almost rolls on its own. The clouds announce the impending weather change, but that is unimportant at the moment. What is important is that we are here and right now. The E6 leads us further north, we pass countless lakes and the road seems to end on the horizon. Warning signs for reindeer are everywhere. Now the long-awaited herd must finally come. There is one at the roadside...ooo...oooh... better not to look. The reindeer seems to be missing the lower half somehow and for a while. No worry, there is no photo. After this shock, we need a coffee first. Not so easy in this never-ending and lonely area, only with a few abandoned Sami settlements. According to Google, in the next town, about 50 kilometers away, there is a gas station with a small shop. With the prospect of coffee, we can also manage the steep climb to Skaidi. Skaidi, well a place like the northernmost Alaska. There is a dealer for snowmobiles, there used to be a hotel, there used to be a restaurant, there used to be a shop. All that is missing is the tumbleweed blowing lonely across the road, but that would be too much Wild West romance. The thermometer shows 30 degrees at the run-down shop. Just around the corner, there is actually a gas station with a cafe. The smell of the typical Norwegian hot dog in flatbread (a type of sausage) can be smelled from afar, sometimes only in the imagination when hungry. Anyway, there is not really anything reasonably healthy here, so we take warm Cola, half-cold cappuccino, a 500-gram pack of ice cream (yes, there is Freia chocolate as ice cream) and two spoons. Lunch is saved! We continue towards Olderfjord. Here is a campground right by the sea and shops with food, well, one that closes at 5 pm, ohhh 4:40 pm. Quickly throw something in the basket and off to the campground. Not the most beautiful place, but right by the sea. With 30 degrees air temperature, it quickly goes into the cold sea and then a cold beer (two pieces 22 francs!) and our look back on the day leaves us satisfied. We and our demands, patterns, preconceived ways of thinking, and opinions are so unimportant in this huge gigantic nature. The longer we drive, the more we realize how small and insignificant we are here, but that's okay too!

Kilometers today: 76

Altitude difference: 555
