
Reindeer herds - but without reindeer

Published: 20.07.2024

The "best summer ever" continues today. It is no longer so sunny, the sky is slightly overcast, but warm. We make our breakfast in the camping kitchen...and then the American cyclist came and talked and asked and asked and asked...so our departure was delayed a little, but that was okay. The journey took us along the old E6 parallel to the new one, a tunnel bypass for bicycles and hikers. The road climbed steadily and the landscape changed, we reached a wide plateau, covered only with moss and bushes. Here at 400 meters we had lonely peace and space and enjoyed the view of the seemingly endless Kvænangen Fjord with the large Øksfjordjøkelen glacier. Simply wonderful up there, except for the promised herds of reindeer, which of course preferred to stay further up because of the warm temperatures. But you can't have everything... We moved on, similar to a herd of two reindeer, and stopped to feed at a typical Norwegian shop with a small coffee shop. The brown color was right, but otherwise it had little in common with the taste of coffee. No matter, we take what we can get and move on contentedly. It rains lightly now and then, but not enough for the full rain gear. The next pass was waiting, it was slowly getting quite exhausting today, our legs were already heavy for both of us. We discovered a stall in a parking lot run by two (very) old Sami women in traditional clothing. We would have liked to buy something small - one antler was too big for the bike :) and everything else was somehow not quite right. Everything with reindeer bones, no, somehow that feels weird. We stopped at a larger shop and cooked our dinner on a picnic bench in the village square. We are both always very hungry and graze everything at a fast pace like the reindeer. Completely full, we drive on. It is already half past six and neither of us wants any more. (77 kilometers/1100 meters in altitude). We go to the next campsite on the E6. They welcome us with coffee and freshly baked cinnamon rolls. We are in the right place! The two ageing reindeer are going to sleep now, and we will move on tomorrow morning...

Answer (1)

Woooow, isch krass die farbe ufde föteli, die ussicht und natur!! itz hani doch o no hie es kommentärli müesse hingerla, statt nur lese u fotos bestune :) viu spass no