
Best summer ever - and then the rain clouds came

Published: 19.07.2024

The night in the tent was quite restless. A dredging ship drives around the fjord all night and dredges stones out of the sea - right where we are sleeping. A sheep with a huge bell also has the feeling that the lushest grass is probably only around our tent. OK, the bell wasn't huge, but it was annoying nonetheless. Slightly contrite and still hearing the bell sounds in our ears, we pack up and set off quite early for the ferry towards Olderdalen. It goes across the fjord and takes 40 minutes. In the café at the ferry station, a woman tells us that summer 2024 will be "the best summer ever" here high above the Arctic Circle, there have never been so many sunny and warm days. What can we say to that? We just agree beaming and appreciate the gift. In Olderdalen we head towards Alta on the E6. You can tell that there is more traffic. The road is well developed. It goes east to the Russian border at Kirkenes. A sign with "Kirkenes 757" kilometers makes us laugh for a moment. It's an incredible expanse with lots of breathtaking views and incredibly little nothing. Nothing in the way of shops or houses at all. But that's exactly what makes the adventure interesting. Our adventure today consists of finding something to eat for lunch. A small shop that has everything - really everything - a lot of it has already expired, but no matter. We take another can of Norwegian stew with vegetables and meatballs (they look like it) and porridge with an expiration date of May 2024. We're driving away from the "best summer ever" the whole time today... thick rain clouds hang in the mountains and it drips every now and then, the sky is overcast, so today we just drive quietly along the E6 to spend the night at a campsite near Straumfjord in the evening after 76 kilometers/700 meters of altitude. Hot shower, hot motorcyclists (no, not really :) / three older German gentlemen with BMWs, but very nice), hot noodle soup and not hot temperatures in the tent. Let's see what tomorrow brings, but first we hope for a night free of excavators and Glöcklischaf.