
Color and cinnamon bun rush

Published: 26.07.2024

Waking up in complete darkness - a long-forgotten luxury. That's what happened to us this morning. The apartment has really black blinds and darkness is highly appreciated when you mostly sleep in a tent and it's bright 24 hours a day. Our 'rest day' turns into a 15-kilometer hike along the cliffs, to the local viewpoint 'Havøygavlen', to the grocery store, and to the local pub. We spend almost the whole day on the high plateau on the cliffs and can't get enough of this gigantic view over the Barents Sea. The colors today are bright and colorful, and a pleasant wind blows through our (well, actually only Anja's) hair and over our skin. Neither of us really wants to walk further, we are fascinated by the panoramic view (there isn't much more to the north, about 800 kilometers - Svalbard is the closest neighbor) and the view over the nearby small islands. The decision to continue walking/running is taken from us in the early afternoon. Dark clouds and thunder rumbling quickly make us walk back to the village. A cafe with cinnamon buns, that's our plan. But the plan fails once again, the cafe has been closed for years and there's no sign of cinnamon buns. In the store, we find frozen cinnamon buns to bake. Not what we had in mind, but at least there are 13 in the pack, an unfair number, but we agree on it. Coffee and warm cinnamon buns are available in the apartment and the rain was only a brief guest in Havøysund on the beautiful island Havøya on the 71st northern latitude. Tomorrow morning we will continue with the Hurtigruten ship and if everything goes well, we will be at the North Cape with our bikes tomorrow...
