

Hochzeitsreise Katharina und Sebastian

Dinner in Aquileia

Dinner in Aquileia

Dinner in Aquileia

16.07.2016 - Day at the Beach

16.07.2016 - Day at the Beach

15.07.2016 - Welcome to Grado

15.07.2016 - Welcome to Grado

13.07.2016 - Museum Marathon

13.07.2016 - Museum Marathon

Venice - a first exploration tour

Venice - a first exploration tour

11.07.2016 - Departure to the Lagoon City

11.07.2016 - Departure to the Lagoon City

10/07/2016 - Relaxing at Lake d'Iseo and dinner at Baretto de St. Viglio

10/07/2016 - Relaxing at Lake d'Iseo and dinner at Baretto de St. Viglio

Closing on the canal - Bridal bouquet throw

Closing on the canal - Bridal bouquet throw

Bride and groom in front of the registry office - Eating in the greenhouse

Bride and groom in front of the registry office - Eating in the greenhouse

Bride and Groom with Parents

Bride and Groom with Parents

Die Trauung

Die Trauung

04/07/2016 The Wedding - the Journey Begins

The Wedding - the Journey Begins