
Abseiling + Zip Lining

Published: 26.03.2024

Day 19

San Gil

This morning we woke up feeling relaxed. After we changed rooms, the new room was significantly quieter. The first thing on the agenda was to return the motorbike. We had to refuel beforehand and I took the opportunity to try myself out on the completely manually operated motorcycle. After Vietnam I already mastered the semi-automatic. Maybe the start of a motorcycle career? Then grab a small breakfast and get on the bus for abseiling. First it went steeply up, then even steeper down. Secured with a rope, we descended the rock face to a waterfall. An experience that took some effort at first, but was even more fun afterwards. Due to the reflection in the water, a rainbow was a constant companion. Slightly soaked, we waited on the bus. Unfortunately we got off at the wrong terminal and had to walk a bit to the correct terminal. From there we drove uphill again to the zip-lining. We hung on the ropes over a gorge, going there once and back again via a different route. Here too, trust in the equipment was required. The reward was a well-deserved cerveza. On the way back we decided to take a short hike. Before we take the night bus to Bogota, we had a hearty meal at Gringos.

Answer (2)

Sehr sehr toll , im Nachhinein betrachtet wäre die GoPro doch der ideale Reisebegleiter gewesen 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Hätte man durchaus machen können, so haben wir aber schon eine gute Vorauswahl getroffen :)