
Sonntag 24. Sep. 2023 Lugo - Burgo de Negral

Published: 24.09.2023

Today we had a rather unspectacular tour that, at 25km long, was normal. From Lugo early in the morning, as always, we first went downhill from the city and then later went uphill again for a while. We often followed a path that ran parallel to the traffic road, at some point after about 12km of walking the Camino signpost finally led us into a forest. It was more pleasant to walk there because as the sun increased, we had plenty of shade. The path then continued on and on, sometimes briefly up or down, sometimes walking on asphalt, sometimes on the forest floor. This tour also had more profile than we first thought, namely 620m high and 560m down. Let's see what tomorrow's tour looks like.
