
Monday 25. Sep. 2023 Burgo de Negral - Melide

Published: 25.09.2023

Today, after a leisurely breakfast, we took our tour a little slower, according to the motto "The journey is the destination". And we weren't disappointed either. We walked through wonderful valleys, every now and then a farm and a few cows, you could almost think you were traveling in the Allgäu. But the Camino still had a chicane in store for us, the mountain was already visible from afar with the wind turbines. But we made good progress and when we reached the summit we could see our goal for today. But by then it was another 10km. Initially pleasant, with a lot of shade, but later increasingly in the blazing sun. The Camino does not give up and continues to challenge us. Today it was finally 26.2 km again, of which 470m up the mountain and 530m down the mountain.
