
Samstag 23. Sep. 2023 Baleira - Lugo

Published: 23.09.2023

Today we started our hike again early at 8 a.m. because we had to overcome another long stage. In contrast to yesterday, on the one hand the weather was better, albeit cold, and on the other hand we didn't have to climb as many meters in altitude. This was also noticeable during the tour, the environment became noticeably friendlier. Beautiful field paths and ravines alternated. In the early afternoon we were even allowed to take part in a “Spanish cattle drive”. Afterwards we went rather unspectacularly towards Lugo, our destination today. Lugo is surrounded by a completely preserved city wall, at least the old town center, and these cities used to be located on the heights. So there was another short, sharp climb. We also knew that the 100km stone of the Camino Primitivo is in the middle of Lugo and we really wanted to see it. In keeping with today, we were also able to see that it was the longest stage of the whole tour, at 33.7km, of which 600m went up and 900m down.
