
Donnerstag 21. Sep. 2023 Las Grandas - Fonsagrada

Published: 21.09.2023

From the beginning on today's stage there was only one direction, uphill. We went from our hotel at 200m above sea level to over 1,100m above sea level. When we started shortly before 8 a.m. it was still very dark and we had to walk a few meters to get used to the lighting conditions. We reached the town of Grandas de Salime via field and tar paths. Here we had a delicious breakfast. From there it went slightly uphill and downhill, over beautiful paths, to the Alto del Acebo pass. Here we had to climb 400 meters in altitude in a short time. Shortly afterwards the border between Asturias and Galicia came. It should be noted here that in Asturias the closed part of the shell shows the way to Santiago de Compostela, from Galicia the open part of the shell shows the way. When we arrived in Galicia on time, it started to rain to welcome us. So we had to cover the last 5km to the destination with rain gear. But today's accommodation has wiped away all the hardships. In total we covered 26km today, with 1,400 meters uphill and 730 meters downhill. Tomorrow we'll continue with a relaxed 30.
