
Sunday 20. Sep. 2023 Berducedo - The Great Ones

Published: 20.09.2023

Today we took it a little easier. The previous two days demanded a lot from us. So, after a leisurely breakfast, we started today's tour around 10 a.m. After Berducedo we first went up 1-2 kilometers and then went the same amount back down to La Mesa. Once there, it was a steep climb again for a few kilometers. An ever-increasing wind didn't make the whole thing any more pleasant; you had the feeling you were traveling somewhere in the British Isles with force 10 winds. When we reached the top, we could already see the destination of our tour today. This was followed by a long descent to the "Embalse de Grandas de Salime" reservoir, with our destination today, the Hotel Las Grandas. In total it was only 16km today, but physically it felt like it was significantly more. This stage was 500m up and 1,100m down. Let's see what tomorrow will bring. We will definitely cross the border from Asturias to Galicia.

Answer (2)

Das sieht immer alles so einsam aus. Seid ihr die einzigen, die dort unterwegs sind?

Hi Susanne, wir laufen antizyklisch