The last section on the GR34

Atejade: 06.07.2018

Well, unfortunately everything comes to an end (except for Teewurst - that naturally has 2).

So today I chose the route for the last section. However, no matter what I tried... it didn't turn into a proper circular route... either 25 km on foot or doubling back or only seeing half of what I had planned. Well, I thought to myself - things usually don't go as planned anyway, so let's just go with the flow. The journey today only took about 20 minutes, so we can be more flexible.

At the chosen parking lot, I checked out the way to the sea... hmm... 48 minutes on foot. A bit far... so maybe I'll just start directly at the first destination (Port Blanc). When I arrived there, I squeezed the car into a parking space in front of a construction site (construction site signs are never in the way...). Once that was finally done, I set off with Teewurst. And lo and behold - around the corner: Tadaaaa... a hundred free parking spaces... great! Well, what's done is done!

But: We practically stumbled onto the GR34 as soon as we got out of the car. How wonderful. So let's get started right away. I climbed the next rock by the sea to get a rough overview.

Lawns like on the golf course
Lawns like on the golf course
Can you treat yourself to this?
Can you treat yourself to this?
They have strange trees here....
They have strange trees here....

Unfortunately, I clumsily stumbled over a stone and almost crashed into a painter, who was trying to capture the view there. Thank goodness the easel stayed still! (Who would expect people here...). So I got off the mountain and continued. We also found the famous mini church on the mountain relatively quickly.

The first destination
The first destination

Teewurst also tried to kill us both at the same time here...

Behind the wall was the sea and for this stupid sheepdog, there is nothing more fantastic than water. So what's the wall doing in the way?! Teewurst took a run and tried to jump over the wall (I, on the other end of the leash, had to quickly and ungracefully pull him back in mid-air... otherwise we both would have literally gone over the cliff). You see, it's never boring!

Recovered from the shock, we continued on our way.

By now the clouds had cleared up again and it was getting warm again. Suddenly, I heard a sheep bleating behind me. Sheep by the sea? Well, the deer also don't seem to mind. While looking for the sheep, I then discovered a seagull that was really bleating above us. Ok... different country, different dialect. When we took a break by the sea at some point, I suddenly heard a dolphin and was already really excited! But it was just another seagull... what's up with the birds here?? The seagulls don't seem to handle the sun very well either, or they're learning foreign languages here - who knows.

We did see sheep later though. But only black ones, and luckily only I saw them.

Is this how it
Is this how it's done here? But we would later find the culprit....

Today, I somehow didn't really feel like hiking. The landscape was really beautiful again, but we didn't really get into the groove.

I'll take it...
A bit of Caribbean flair....
A bit of Caribbean flair....

So we took more breaks than usual.

Nice view while dozing....
Nice view while dozing....
Well, can you see it????
Well, can you see it????

The GR34 was well signposted today (or we've gotten used to it and now know where to look, because usually it's just 2 strips on a lamppost... and it's even weird for the French to stop in front of each lamppost and search for signs...)

Black sheep :)
Black sheep :) What a life... right by the sea...

Another break...

At some point, I decided to walk back halfway to the car and go have a coffee in our town. After all, we're on vacation, so we can do what we feel like doing, right?! I don't need to mention anything about the way back, right? (uphill, blazing sun, country road, hydrangeas... by now, we've almost been run over twice).

But this Mount Everest that had to be climbed on the way back to the car really bothered us. Not because of me, but because of Teewurst! (By now, going uphill bothers me much less than it did 2 weeks ago... what a wonder - why?!). He constantly refused to walk on the left side (the right side was the busy road and flat Teewursts are not pleasant) and on the left side, I had to drag him uphill by his collar. Great sausage! At some point, I turned into a drill instructor and cheered him on every 2 meters to keep going ('come on Teewurst... come on... come on... come on... NIVUS!!!... come on... no, not right!... left Nivus!!!... come on...'). The drivers were also quite surprised. Anyway, we both made it to the top in one piece. So, back to the car. After a good hour on the way back, we arrived at the 'parking lot' again. So let's head home.

The lady at the café (we were there once last week) already knew what we wanted (it must be because of Teewurst), so we enjoyed the early evening in the sun with an extended reading break.

With liquid caramel.....
With liquid caramel.....
Afterwards, we made our way home. Today, dinner was planned at home. (Having 3 courses two days in a row is a bit much for me...)

A look in the fridge showed me that we still had a lot of leftovers to use up before we leave. But you can't use that much ham in a salad, otherwise I could have just made ham salad (no thanks...). So Teewurst happily feasted on salami and cooked ham, while I tried to empty the fridge. Fortunately, you never have to throw anything away when you have a dog ;) Anyway, I finally figured out how to toast the baguette without setting it on fire (maybe a bit late...)


Other than that, we spent the rest of the evening on the couch (Teewurst in front of it). We don't have to go out every night. So... tomorrow we'll pack and refill the stock of cider. Therefore, tomorrow's post will probably be summarized with the return journey (yay... more toll stations...). In any case, we've already said goodbye to the GR34 today. It was beautiful!

On 120 km of the GR34:



Awọn ijabọ irin-ajo France