Abenteuer Afrika
Abenteuer Afrika

Tag 21: Canal Walk Mall & V&A Waterfront Capetown

E hatisitsoe: 23.09.2020

July 18, 2019

Today it's raining... and not just a little bit unfortunately.

So what do you do in Cape Town on a rainy day!?

Right - you go shopping *lol*

To the great delight of the husband (irony mode on), we drive to the Canal Walk Mall in Milnerton and spend the rainy morning there.

We don't find any real bargains, but we manage to get a souvenir for our son and new jeans for our daughter and dad.

Currently, the 'Nelson Madela Day' is being celebrated in the mall, with various 'packing contests' for a good cause.

We don't know exactly how it works, but we watch for a while as the volunteers fill small boxes with clothes and toys for children.

After lunch, we drive back to Cape Town to the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.

The rain has subsided, so we can walk along the harbor without an umbrella or hood.

On a platform near the Nelson Mandela Gateways to Robben Island, there are 3 sea lions.

Wow, they smell mighty...

Passing by the Clock Tower, we visit the Diamond Museum 'Diamond Museum Capetown' in a small mall.

Upon request, we receive a private tour of the small museum, where they explain how diamonds are cut and made, and we are allowed to take a look at the 'grinders' through a window, who are processing the small valuable stones right in front of our eyes.

Overall, a nice museum and a tip for visitors to Cape Town.

The tour and the visit last for about 30-45 minutes and it's completely free!

Of course, the tour ends in the 'showroom', where perhaps some employees hope to make a sale of an expensive diamond.

The blue diamonds called Tanzanites are particularly promoted. Our daughter is allowed to try one on

This little one costs a whopping €3000

They won't earn anything from us today....

We take a look at the surroundings and then walk back through the harbor to the V&A Waterfront and stroll through the mall.

And my conclusion in the mall:

Expensive doesn't mean beautiful!

I would never spend money on that...

Nelson Mandela
One of the many colorful rhinos around the Waterfront


Afrika Boroa
Litlaleho tsa maeto Afrika Boroa