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Redefined Timeline

The MoPOP and the Space Needle

Publikuar: 13.08.2017

Yesterday I planned to 'climb' the Space Needle. Unfortunately the earliest time to do that was 7pm... so I booked the time at 8pm. What to do in the meantime? Luckily there is the Museum of Pop Culture right next to the Needle.


So I went there and I spent several hours in there. It's really a great place! I love the stuff they show! I enjoyed the Sound Lab the most. You can try what ever you want. Playing Guitar, Bass, Drums... Really cool, but I know why I don't play an instrument... ;)

Here some other stuff from the exhibitions:

Arnie...The Terminator
Arnie...The Terminator
David Bowie
David Bowie
Guitar Tornado
Guitar Tornado

The rest of the time I spent listening to the Concerts at the Mural. Then it was time to 'climb' the Needle. By elevator of course! ;)

It is very crowded up there, but I got it managed to take some long exposures of the city. It's a great view, but it has still some smoke from the fires in Canada.

Seattle by Night, South
Seattle by Night, South
Seattle by Night, North
Seattle by Night, North


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