
Trans-Canada Highway

La daabacay: 24.10.2017

It has been quiet around us for a while, the last 5 weeks we have traveled about 8000km in our 'luxury camper'. We drove from national park to national park on the Trans-Canada Highway and had internet very rarely.

Despite our mobile 1-family home, we were almost always the smallest on the campsite - here people think in different sizes!

Describing our route would take too long and bore most people after a while, that's why Canada in one word: beautiful 😁

The only way through the Rocky Mountains? RIGHT THROUGH IT
Stormfront from the left, according to a digital sign on the road wind speeds of around 135km/h. The wind was actually so strong that several trucks were in the ditch.

This year Canada is celebrating its 150th anniversary, so admission to all national parks is free, which was very convenient for us.

We hiked a lot and observed almost all the wild animals that live in Canada. However, we actually managed not to see any moose... but we saw even more impressive deer, mountain goats, black bears with their cubs, red deer, and we were greeted by an army of squirrels every day.

One of our highlights, we were able to watch a beaver family building their house.
Traffic jam due to a herd of bison on the road.
Snails abseiling from trees!
The deer are much bigger than you think.

Chipmunks visiting.

You could call chipmunks the alarms of the forest, they constantly scold you from above 😏

Canada really seems to consist only of forests and lakes and yet the landscape is constantly changing along the route.

We spent a whole 2 weeks in Banff and Jasper National Parks in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Every day we were fascinated anew by the beauty that nature has to offer, unfortunately these two parks were overcrowded even now after the peak season, mainly bus after bus with Asian tourists. The locals told us that never before have so many tourists visited the national parks as this year and it seems that there is no off-season anymore.

Kayaking in Canada, a must-do activity.
These 'Red Chairs' are located in the most beautiful spots in the national parks and invite you to linger.
Sometimes we slipped on the hikes 😅
We always reached our destination anyway. An ascent that was worth it!
We have never seen such a bright full moon, you could see everything at night without a flashlight!
If you want to experience a sunrise at Lake Louise, you have to get up early... luckily we were armed with coffee ☺️
This glacier region is one of the most avalanche-prone in the world, barely a 10km walk from Lake Louise. Despite the season, we were able to see a glacier break-off! Also known as 'Death Trap'.
Yes, Lake Louise is really that turquoise!
We were surprised when we woke up in the morning with 10cm of fresh snow.
An anecdote about this picture: On this day, the Banff Marathon took place, and unlike here, the course marshals were armed with paintball guns! Why? It is rutting season and the deer herd has chosen a spot very close to the track...

Thankfully, it wasn't like that everywhere, in the other national parks we were almost the only visitors. If you want, you can camp at the most remote places here, often for little money, and wake up with a great view of the lake.

Micha doing his favorite activity - making a fire!

We couldn't miss experiencing the real Canadian culture, so we watched a home game of the Calgary Flames in Calgary. Unlike German soccer games, things are quite civilized here, there are ushers and most spectators arrive after the game has started.

Before that, we visited the Calgary Zoo, one of the most beautiful zoos we have ever visited! Luckily, we stumbled upon 5 animal feedings and were able to see the animals up close.

And when it rained, we always found a way to have fun and eat marshmallows differently.

This long entry probably shows our newfound love for an amazing country quite well. We will definitely be back!

Until next time, then from New Zealand

Bekki & Micha


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