
Tag 22

La daabacay: 10.09.2023

22nd & last day France 2023 - 4,009 km "Camping La Vigneraie 1860" -> "Sweet Home"

The early bird catches the worm.

So we started early. Make coffee, pack everything, last check and departure at 8 am.

We came about 400m far then we had to go backwards because a garbage truck was coming towards us.

The rest of the journey went smoothly.

To round off our holiday, we stopped at the Dachsenfranz brewery inn and enjoyed the first light beer in what felt like an eternity.

The last 2 hours chugged home and then fell into the big bed around 11:30 p.m.!

22 days, 4,009 km and 57:23 hours driving time later, it's nice to be home again.


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