Einmal um die Welt... zumindest halb!
Einmal um die Welt... zumindest halb!

Day 10 - The first rainy day

La daabacay: 12.05.2019

Today was the day, our first day in New Zealand with rainy weather. Thanks to our genius planning (which Tobi actually does alone), it was almost no problem as we spent most of the time in the car... driving through Arthur's Pass to almost Christchurch. Neither the gray weather nor the rain could dim the beauty of the New Zealand landscape.

To experience as much as possible here, we (Tobi) planned three stops. A waterfall, a small cave, and strange rocks. But even the drive itself offered some sights worth seeing. However, that was not the only change today. We also thought we could switch roles. I drove (on the left) and Tobi took on the role of the navigator and photographer...

About 15 minutes later, we switched back. But not because I couldn't drive, but because Tobi is just a lousy photographer... Back in our old roles, we continued smoothly.

So, stop number one, the 'Devils Punchball' waterfall. According to Tobi, the waterfall should be right by the road. So why not walk there despite the pouring rain. Waterfall sounds good and with the rain jackets, it shouldn't be a problem. It's just a bit uncomfortable outside.

The next time Tobi thinks it's right by the road, I will question that more critically. About 30 minutes later, we stood at the waterfall, a little wet.

But our planner seemed to enjoy the rain and the slightly longer way to the destination and back to the car.

Joyfully jumping into the photo...

Slightly damp, we continued to the second stop, the small cave (on the right in the picture).

The original plan was to traverse the 600m long cave, through which a small stream also flows. Our lack of equipment for cave crossings prevented that (hip-deep water is also really cold). So we just went there and looked inside...

Into the cave

Looked outside...

Out of the cave

and then walked back to the car.

The Castle Hill Conservation Area (the aforementioned strange rocks) was the last item on today's agenda before we went to the hostel.

Castle Hill Conservation Area
Castle Hill Conservation Area

And there is really nothing more to tell about it, except that they are large limestone rocks lying around in the field.

We of course conquered them:

The King of the World
The King of the World (Tobi)

Castle Hill... Can you find me?!
Castle Hill... Can you find me?!

That was our entire day. After checking in, we had dinner (healthy burger with fries) and a well-deserved, New Zealand after-work beer.

After-work after about 6 hours of driving

Also, one more thing we didn't forget: We wish all mothers (but especially my mom and Tobi's mom) a beautiful Mother's Day! ❤️

To celebrate the day, there are also many pictures of the two of us.

Jawaab (1)

Ganz oben auf den Felsen, sieht aus als würde gleich ein Vogel starten 😊

New Zealand
Warbixinaha safarka New Zealand