
Day 15 - A few days in Lima

Rakabudiswa: 14.03.2018

After landing in Lima on Saturday evening, we went to the hotel and quickly went to sleep. The next day, Paul and I wandered around the city without a plan, looking for a new hotel and stuff.
In Placa St Martin, we listened to a long discussion between a German and a Peruvian in the evening. At the beginning, there were maybe 10 others with us, but by the end there were over 30. It was fun to watch as more and more people joined in on this originally private conversation.

On Monday morning, the places we wanted to visit were either closed or something completely different (An Inca museum turned out to be an office building that only had Inca in its name). Around noon, we took a bus tour to the seaside, and instead of the expected 2 hours, we were on the road for almost 4 hours.

Yesterday, on Tuesday, Viktor came back to us in the morning and we took a trip to Isla Palomino, an island where over 1000 sea lions live. After about an hour on the boat, we arrived and it was hard to breathe because of the smell. But once we were in the surprisingly cold water, it was fine. Around the island, there are thousands of small red crabs that don't bite, or if they do, it's only a little. Still, it took some courage for me to jump into this sea of red crabs. The sea lions looked very cute and they always stuck their heads out of the water like meerkats. I got scared when one of them swam towards me under water, but other than that they all stayed calm. The guide told us that as long as we keep a certain distance from their island, they shouldn't do anything to us. It wasn't very reassuring, but at least we all survived.

Today, we said goodbye to our accommodation, the small restaurant where we've been eating for the past few days, and of course Lima itself. Now we're on the bus on our way to Pisco.
Lima is a loud and bustling city without mosquitoes, with many impressive old buildings, hordes of police officers, and a lot of street artists. I'm curious to see what awaits us next.

~ Lenja

Pindura (2)

Jetzt wüsste ich wirklich gern, worüber die beiden sich unterhalten haben...

Ursprünglich hat er mit einer anderen über Gewalt gegen Frauen geredet, aber dann kam dieser andere und hat sich eingemischt und dann ging es um Drogen und Gott und die Welt.

Mishumo yekufambisa Peru