Tag 197 - Medical intervention at the hairdresser, workshop visit and finally "Ninh Binh"

ප්‍රකාශිතයි: 26.02.2020

Hey guys

Today was a day...!

When we woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning, we felt like a tractor had run over us... Somehow completely exhausted...

Then the day really began! We went to the breakfast buffet and when we wanted to take a slice of toast, those flies came out of the bread! The food seemed to be quite lively as well. We decided that we weren't hungry after all and went back to our room. Once there, I started to clean my ears with a cotton swab... Then: Damn! Where is the cotton?! It's no longer on the swab! Kevin looked with the flashlight and found it - all the way in the ear canal... We tried to remove it with the tweezers - of course, unsuccessfully. So we went in search of a doctor. The first three were closed, but we were successful with the fourth. It took ages for us to explain to the employee that we didn't want to buy new cotton swabs, but rather that the cotton was stuck in the ear! Finally, he understood, started grinning, and sent us a few blocks further. To a hairdresser! In Switzerland, you would have had to go to a doctor for something like that, so we were slightly confused and assumed that we still hadn't been understood. He accompanied us and told me to sit in the chair. Outside! Everything was full of hair, and when I saw the tools, I was instantly sweating profusely. Kevin felt the same way :).

What were we supposed to do? So I sat down, hoping that the hairdresser knew what he was doing. And, he really did! Since I initially had some pain, he pushed the cotton swab with a kind of small shovel into a different position. Then he pulled out a sharp pair of tweezers and.... There's the cotton!!! We were both so relieved!

Then came the incredible part: he didn't want a single penny from us! But Kevin still put a little something in his shirt pocket. In response, the hairdresser grinned happily.

Next was the next mission: My motorcycle.

We drove to the location (which luckily we had marked) and had luck: there was a workshop nearby. Kevin pushed my motorcycle a little bit with his and we were already there. The mechanic immediately started working and made a very professional impression (for the conditions here).

Since Kevin's motorcycle chain was also very worn, we had it replaced as well. Both of them now have new sprockets, so we have a clean setup. In addition, he repaired our broken taillight and did an oil change (apparently, you should do one every 500 kilometers with these machines). Now hold onto your seats: It all together cost only CHF 33.-!

By now it was already 14:30. We quickly picked up our luggage from the hotel and set off for our actual destination: Ninh Binh.

Luckily, today we only had an hour's drive ahead of us, which we were very grateful for!

After a little more than halfway, we took a break. Today we could take the drive really relaxed. We sat down by the river with chips and a drink. Suddenly we saw a cow walking towards us. Then a whole herd appeared behind her! We quickly moved the motorcycles to the side and stepped back a bit. There were a few young ones among them! So cute! But since Scotland, we know that moms don't joke when it comes to their little ones. The youngest one was a bit intimidated by our bikes and visibly had to work up the courage to walk past. It was so adorable!

About half an hour later, the shepherd came and the herd moved on with him.

Then we tackled the last stretch. Well... Until we saw a restaurant and I couldn't stop shouting anymore: Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!!!! It said that on a signboard there, and just before that, we had discussed how great a pizza would be. We made a stop and had something to eat (I had pizza, Kevin opted for noodles with meat). Oh, by the way, do you know what seems to be typical for pizzas here? They slap ketchup on them! No, it wasn't our first pizza in Vietnam, back then we just thought it was a lousy cook... Yep, they really do that... But actually, it's quite okay if you're prepared for it :).

Now we only had about two kilometers left to our chosen hotel. The path led past a lake, behind it a dreamlike mountain landscape, an indescribable sight! By the way, we decided in that moment not to stay just one night, but two. By the way: It's also called the "dry Halong Bay" here, because the mountains look exactly like the ones we saw on the ship.

The first hotel only had a room available IN the reception, so we went to the next one :).

This one is great! We have our own bungalow and only paid CHF 17.- per night, and we're right by the lake. What more could you want?

So, my dears, tomorrow we want to take a tour here on the river and are looking forward to telling you about our impressions!

See you tomorrow!

පිළිතුර (4)

Ist wirklich nicht zum lachen. Aber du hast das ganze mit so viel Humor geschrieben, ich musste lachen bis mir der Bach weh tat. 😂 Toll finde ich auch die Bilder mit den Kühen, ihr seid Schweizer, Ihr schaut diese Kühe an, als würdet ihr das erste mal im Leben Kühe sehen 😂 Passt auf euch auf, jetzt habt ihr ja alles auf einmal geregelt. Ab sofort ohne Zwischenfälle😘🍀🙏👌ok😘

Hihi ☺️ Also, als wir am Abend den Blog zusammen gelesen haben, mussten selbst wir über alles lachen - wir verstehen deine Bauchschmerzen 😂 Das stimmt! Wir haben hier jedoch noch nie so viele Kühe auf einmal gesehen und plötzlich lief eine ganze Herde auf uns zu 😅 Und das mitten in einer Stadt 😁 War trotz schweizerischer Herkunft sehr speziell 🙈🙈 Ja, ab sofort ohne Zwischenfälle 😁 Danke diiiir 😘😘

Echte Qualitätsarbeit diese Töffs, hihi

Jaaaaaah 😜

සංචාරක වාර්තා වියට්නාමය